Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Did the India workout the other day from Tacfit. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes. I didn't realise the volume was so high till my legs were all tight this morning. Then I actually did the math- 300 air squats, 200 quad presses and 100 jumping pull-ups!! Scary thing is it was hard, but I finished each set in 25-30 seconds.

Last night I took another 2" out of my duty belt!! I never shoot for fat loss being naturally high metabolism and ectomorphic. My weight has stayed the same, so fortuneately I'm not losing beef. So either it's the Tacfit workouts which are the same metabolic demands as 4 hours of traditional cardio in 20 min. Or it's the new vitamins I've been trying, VGF25+ which I've noticed significant health improvements with. Hard to tell but one of them is shredding me up big time!!

Oh and I'm constantly hungry. I wake up in the middle of the night starving and have to mix up a shake to keep my stomach from punching me in the face! What the hell is this?! I thought I got over the growing stage 10 years ago!

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