Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I've since expanded my 4X7 practice to something called Tacfit. Basically it takes your crossfit type conditioning workouts, and blends them into a 4 day cycle that also includes your strength work. I've had lots of fun with it so far. If you are doing it along with a strength program of your choice, you can stretch out to never doing the same workout twice in just over 3 months time. You have variety, but it'll find where you are weak, exploit and improve while you can still work some technical or strength skills in a format that eliminates CNS fatigue. Nervous system fatigue I think is the biggest problem with constant high intensity workouts like crossfit. I like it so far. Put on a couple pounds of mass, lost some fat(not much I'm normally fairly lean), and found some gaps in my physical development. I would highly suggest giving it a try if your career has you running into burning buildings or firefights, where being sore of CNS fatigue can get you dead.