Friday, January 2, 2009

Useful resources

Some valuble resources for military and those with tight time demands.

RMAX has a new E-book out called Bodyweight Exercise Revolution, Volume One of the 4X7 Wave E-book series by CST head coaches Steer and Murdock.

I just finished my first cycle and so far, so good. It really does cater to those that truly can't have equipment like out in the field where there may not be a place to do pullups and dips. Also it has some modified versions of Intu-Flow and Prasara for those on a time crunch. I really wish I could of had that in Baghdad! It's also broken down into several different goals, from fat loss to athletic improvement. Definately a good product and I highly reccomend it!

For you MACP instructors out there, Greg Thompson's H2H book is just what you'll need until the new manual comes out. It outlines every Level I and II technique, plus gets into more advanced stuff to include stick, knife and gun.

And for anybody that is worried about a knife attack of any kind, especially corrections, LEO, military detainee ops, I highly reccomend Die Less Often by Dog Brothers Martial Arts and Gabe Suarez. The Dog Brothers are the base Kali instructors for the MACP program so this will mesh perfectly into a combatives program as it was designed to intergrate well with MACP as well as LEO programs. The DVD starts out with some basic foundation work and culminates with force on force scenario's. Well worth the money. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of content contained on 2 DVD's. Don't hesitate for a second to begin this series!

If you've been in search of high quality supplements give Prograde a try. They are to the highest standard and certified along with being developed organically. Worth a look


I just opened my blog! I hope to fill this with the random resources and ideas that float through my head every so often.

Thanks for stopping by

