Saturday, February 28, 2009

Second mini cycle

So tomorrow I start my second mini-cycle of Tacfit. Foxtrot was the last of the 6 different formats. I had some serious DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) on the lats. I think even the masseuse was surprised at the size of size of the adhesions in my back haha. Anyways it consisted of pull-ups, kettlebell push press, box jump and clubbell clockwork squats, 50 reps each. If you have gaps somewhere in your strength or conditioning, Tacfit will find them and and allow to build them up to par.

Today I start with a new Moderate intensity day too. Using the Hypertrophy workout A from Bodyweight Exercise Revolution.

Tacfit has some serious improvements over previous conditioning programs. Coach Sonnon has been perfecting it for over a decade. I'll keep updating my progress on here. TACFIT - TACTICAL-SPECIFIC PHYSICAL CONDITIONING

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